ahhh music

what i'm listening to | sleeping at last


So as I was stumbling around youtube this morning, looking for music by the band SLEEPING AT LAST, I found this gem. And because the original song is one of my absolute-all-time-favorites, I can't even tell you my excitement at unearthing this.



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A girlfriend of mine is involved with a really incredible charity endeavoring to improve pediatric emergency care.


Their mission is simple and straightforward: to save as many babies' lives as possible.


(Which seems to me as good a thing, as any, to rally behind.)


On July 23rd they are hosting a benefit concert at The Hammerstein Ballroom. As someone who loves music, and thinks live concerts  one of the very best reasons to live in New York City, an event that marries music and positive change seems like the very best way to spend a Thursday night.


General admission tickets are 100 dollars, with all of the proceeds going directly to the charity.


I will be there with bells and whistles (and probably in a pair of heels--if you're lucky, my gold shimmery ones I save for special occasions). And I was thinking it'd be really great to see some of your lovely faces there.


Click here for tickets.


And to learn more about the foundation, go here.


It's not often that I post about such things--but it's for such a great cause (and I think the music will be so good) that I couldn't help myself.

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