in place of my own words...

i'm at this interesting point in my life where suddenly things feel too personal--too close to share. (can you even believe i'm writing this?). where things are moving along. or not.  i'm not even sure, but i must keep these things in my small fists, pressed close to my chest--protecting what little i can.

what i can say, is this: a week ago--oh, was it only a week ago?--i went to see noah and the whale in concert. i put on my new, blue sundress, did my makeup, took the long train downtown, found myself a spot on the floor and then danced and cried and stood in utter awe--all by myself.

and so what i know right now--and there are very few things i do know--is this: i'll look back on this period of my life as a time when happiness pooled beneath my feet and noah and whale's last night on earth was the soundtrack to the return of life's sweet joy.

so today, in place of words, i give you this. because for the moment, even months after first hearing it, i have this song on repeat.